
MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Entry Tone / Roll
Select this option to play an audio tone to all connected
participants when a new participant connects to the
conference. (This tone is not heard by the connecting
participant.) The tone is embedded in the MGC unit.
If the Roll Call option is enabled for the conference, the
Entry Tone is replaced by a playback of the recorded
participant name followed by a message “... has joined
the conference”.
End Time Alert
Tone x Min
Select this option to play the end of conference
reminder tone. This tone is played once, to all the
connected participants, x minutes before the end of the
conference. The tone is embedded in the MGC unit. At
the same time that the tone is played, the Conference
icon is replaced with the End of Conference icon.
Note: If Auto Extend (automatic extension of the
conference) is enabled for the MCU in the “confer.cfg”,
selecting this option also enables the automatic
extension of conference duration for this conference.
For more details see the MGC Administrator’s Guide,
Chapter 5, “MCU Utilities.”
Exit Tone / Roll
Select this option to play the exit tone to all the
connected participants when a participant disconnects
from the conference. The tone is embedded in the MGC
If the Roll Call option is enabled for the conference, the
Exit Tone is replaced by a playback of the recorded
participant’s name and the voice message “... has left
the conference”.
Audio Mix Depth Indicate how many of the loudest voices speaking at the
same time will be heard. The value 3 indicates that the
three loudest participants speaking at the same time will
be heard. Maximum number of participants that can be
mixed is 5.
Table 2-2: Conference Properties - Basic Settings (Continued)
Field/Option Description