Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
Participant Connection to Conference
Participant connection to a conference is determined by the connection type
(dial-in or dial-out), conference type (Attended, Unattended) and service
(IVR, Entry Queue, Meet-Me Per Conference).
Participant Connection Types
Conference participants can connect to the conference by calling the
conference (dial-in) or when the conference initiates the call to the participant
(dial-out) at the beginning of or during the On Going Conference.
Conferences can include only dial-in participants, only dial-out participants or
both kinds of participants.
Dial-in Participant
In a conference that includes dial-in participants, the participants may be
defined in advance and identified by their Calling Line Identifier (CLI)
number, IP address or alias once they connect to the conference. The
conference can include anonymous, undefined participants, who were not
defined by the operator or meeting organizer prior to the conference start.
They connect to the conference if they dial the conference dial-in number and
have entered the appropriate password (if one was assigned to the
conference), or by means of an Entry Queue. Conferences that include
undefined dial-in participants must be defined as Standard - Meet Me Per
Conference or Meeting Room conferences.
Dial-out Participant
In a conference that includes dial-out participants, participants can be called
individually by the meeting organizer or by the operator or automatically by
the system. In the automatic (blast dial-out) mode, the system treats the
participants as a group and calls them all to connect them to the conference.
Dial-out participants must be defined by the meeting organizer or operator,
usually during the conference definition.
Conference Access for Dial-in Participants
A conference may be accessed directly by dial-in participants or through an
Entry Queue or conference IVR queue.