MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Designating a VIP Participant
During an On Going Conference, you can designate a participant or a
chairperson who requires special attention, as a VIP. The VIP status does not
change the role of the participant. You can assign this status when defining a
new participant or a participant who is currently taking part in an On Going
Conference. You can change the VIP status of participants during a
VIP participants are indicated with the VIP icon.
To designate a participant as a VIP:
1. In the Browser, Monitor or Status pane, right-click the participant's icon
and then click Properties.
The Participant's Properties - Identification dialog box opens.
2. Select the VIP check box to assign the new status to the participant, and
then click OK.
The selected participant becomes a VIP in the On Going conference. The
other participant’s properties are unchanged.