Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
Maximum Number
of Participants
The maximum number of participants that can connect to
the conference at one time.
The value 65535 (auto) indicates that as many
participants as the MCU’s resources allow can connect
to the conference, up to the maximum possible for the
type of conference.
Audio Board ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Audio Unit ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Video Board ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Video Unit ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Data Board ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Data Unit ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Message Service
The Message Service type.
Currently the only value is:
3 - IVR
Conference IVR
The name of the IVR Service assigned to the
Note: If the name of the IVR Service contains more than
20 characters, it will be truncated to 20 characters.
Lecture Mode Type Indicates the type of Lecture Mode, as follows:
0 - None
1 - Lecture Mode
3 - Presentation Mode
Table C-4 Event Fields for Event 2001 - CONFERENCE START
CONTINUE 1 (Continued)
Field Description