
Chapter 16-RMX Administration and Utilities
Fixed Resource Capacity
Fixed Resource Capacity enables the administrator to allocate the number of
resources available to each video connection type and Audio Only
connections in advance. In Fixed Resource Capacity mode, the system is
always in a known state, and when used in conjunction with the Resource
Report, it gives the administrator precise control over resource allocation
and optimization. For more information, see "Forcing Video Resource
Allocation to CIF Resolution” on page 16-46.
Fixed Resource Capacity mode is available only in MPM+ System Card
Configuration Modes.
If all resources allocated to a specific endpoint type are in use and an
endpoint of that specific type tries to connect to the RMX, the RMX first
attempts to connect the endpoint at the next highest resolution. If not
resources are available at that level the RMX begins search for connection
resolutions at progressively decreasing resolutions.
Example: In a system that has 10 SD ports allocated and in use:
If another SD endpoint (11th) attempts to connect, the system first tries to
allocate resources to the SD endpoint first from HD720 and then from
HD1080 resources.
If HD resources are allocated to an SD endpoint, HD endpoints may
experience a resource deficiency when trying to connect and may not be
connected at HD resolution.
If there are no available HD resources the system tries to allocate
resources to the SD endpoint from any available CIF resources.
If there are no available CIF resources the system tries to allocate
resources to the SD endpoint from any available Audio Only resources. If
Audio Only resources are allocated the HD endpoint, it is connected as an
Audio Only participant.