Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Daily If Daily is selected, the system automatically
selects all the days of the week. To de-select
days (for example, weekends) clear their check
Weekly If Weekly is selected, the system automatically
selects the day of the week for the Reservation
from the day selected in the Reservation
You can also define the recurrence interval in
weeks. For example, if you want the reservation
to occur every second week, enter 2 in the Recur
every _ week(s) field.
To define a twice-weekly recurring Reservation,
select the check box of the additional day of the
week on which the Reservation is to be
scheduled and set the recurrence interval to 1.
Monthly If Monthly is selected, the system automatically
selects the day of the month as selected in the
Reservation Calendar. You are required to
choose a recurrence pattern:
• Day (1-31) of every (1-12) month(s) -
Repeats a conference on a specified day of
the month at a specified monthly interval. For
example, if the first Reservation is scheduled
for the 6th day of the current month and the
monthly interval is set to 1, the monthly
Reservation will occur on the 6th day of each
of the following months.
• The (first, second,...,last) (Sun-Sat) of x
month(s) - Repeats a Reservation in a
particular week, on a specified day of the
week at the specified monthly interval. For
example, a recurrent meeting on the third
Monday every second month.
Table 6-3 New Reservation – Schedule Tab (Continued)
Field Description