Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Single clock source No Backup clock could be established as only one span
is connected to the system or, there is a synchronization
failure with another span. This alarm can be cancelled by
adding the appropriate flag is the system configuration.
SIP registrations limit reached SIP registrations limit reached.
SIP TLS: Failed to load or verify certificate
This alarm indicates that the certificate files required for
SIP TLS could not be loaded to the RMX. Possible
causes are:
• Incorrect certificate file name. Only files with the
following names can be loaded to the system:
rootCA.pem, pkey.pem, cert.pem and
• Wrong certificate file type. Only files of the following
types can be loaded to the system: rootCA.pem,
pkey.pem and cert.pem and certPassword.txt
• The contents of the certificate file does not match the
system parameters
SIP TLS: Registration transport error This alarm indicates that the communication with the SIP
server cannot be established. Possible causes are:
• Incorrect IP address of the SIP server
• The SIP server listening port is other than the one
defined in the system
• The OCS services are stopped
SIP TLS: Registration handshake failure This alarm indicates a mismatch between the security
protocols of the OCS and the RMX, preventing the
Registration of the RMX to the OCS.
Table B-1 Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description