Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
File system scan failure File system scan failure:
Failed to scan [file system path].
File system space shortage File system space shortage:
Out of file system space in [file system path]; Free space:
[free space percentage]% ([free space] Blocks) -
Minimum free space required: [minimum free space
percentage]% ([minimum free space] Blocks).
Gatekeeper failure Possible reasons for the Gatekeeper failure:
• Failed to register to alternate Gatekeeper.
• Gatekeeper discovery state.
- Check GK IP address (GUI, ping)
• Gatekeeper DNS Host name not found.
• Gatekeeper Registration Timeout.
• Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to invalid revision.
• Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to resource
• Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to Terminal Exclusion.
• Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to unsupported
• Gatekeeper rejected GRQ. Reason 18.
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to Discovery
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to duplicate alias.
- Check duplicate in aliases or in prefixes
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to Generic Data.
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid alias.
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid call
signaling address.
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid endpoint ID.
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid RAS
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid revision.
• Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid state.
Table B-1 Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description