Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Once the endpoint connects to the conference, its type is identified by the
RMX and, if applicable, the RMX will connect it using one CIF resource,
even if a higher resolution can be used.
To force CIF resource:
1 On the RMX menu, click Setup > System Configuration.
The System Flags dialog box opens.
, click the New Flag button.
The New Flag dialog box is displayed.
3 In the New Flag field enter the flag name:
4 In the Value field enter the product type to which the CIF resource
should be allocated. Possible values are:
— CMA Desktop for CMA desktop client
— VSX nnnn where nnnn represents the model number for
example, VSX 8000.
You can define several endpoint types, listing them one after the
other separated by semicolon (;).
For example, CMA Desktop;VSX 8000.
5 Click OK.
The new flag is added to the flags list.
Reset the MCU for changes to take effect. For more details, see RMX 2000
Administrator’s Guide, "Resetting the RMX” on page 16-90.
To cancel the forcing of CIF resource:
1 On the RMX menu, click Setup > System Configuration.
The System Flags dialog box opens.
2 In the
MCMS_PARAMETERS tab, double-click or select the flag
FORCE_CIF_PORT_ALLOCATION and click the Edit Flag button.
3 In the New Value field, clear the value entries.
4 Click OK.