3G WiFi Router User Guide YML-O-3G19W
20 www.netcomm.com.au
The Wireless submenu provides access to Wireless Local Area Network (LAN) conguration settings including:
• Wireless network name
• Channel restrictions (based on country)
• Security
• Access point or bridging behaviour
• Station information
5.1 Setup
This screen allows you to congure basic features of the wireless LAN interface. You can enable or disable the wireless LAN interface,
hide the network from active scans, set the wireless network name (also known as SSID) and restrict the channel set based on country
requirements. The Wireless Guest Network function adds extra networking security when connecting to remote hosts.
Enable Wireless A checkbox that enables (default) or disables the wireless LAN interface. When selected, the WebUI displays Hide
Access point, SSID, BSSID and Country settings.
Hide Access Point Select Hide Access Point to protect the access point from detection by wireless active scans. To check AP status
in Windows XP, open Network Connections from the start Menu and select View Available Network Connections. If
the access point is hidden, it will not be listed there. To connect a client to a hidden access point, the station must
add the access point manually to its wireless conguration.
SSID [1 - 32 characters] Sets the wireless network name. SSID stands for Service Set Identier. All stations must be congured with the
correct SSID to access the WLAN. If the SSID does not match, that user will not be granted access.
BSSID The BSSID is a 48 bit identity used to identify a particular BSS (Basic Service Set) within an area. In Infrastructure
BSS networks, the BSSID is the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the AP (Access Point) and in
Independent BSS or adhoc networks, the BSSID is generated randomly.
Country A drop-down menu that permits worldwide and specic national settings.
Wireless Guest The Guest SSID (Virtual Access Point) can be enabled by selecting the Enable Wireless Guest Network checkbox
You can rename, hide or limit the number of users of the Wireless Guest Network as needed.
Clients Isolation Prevent wireless clients from communicating with each other
NOTE: Wireless hosts cannot scan Guest SSIDs.