| EQQCL66E Date not valid: it's not in the YYYYMMDD format
| Explanation: The date supplied is not in the YYYYMMDD format.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the date, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL67E Year
must be included between 1996 and 2999
| Explanation: The date specified in the CHKDATE instruction is outside the valid range 1996–2999.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the date, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL68E Month
must be included between 01 and 12
| Explanation: The date specified in the CHKDATE instruction is invalid; it is not in the range 01–12.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the date, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL69E Day
must be included between 01 and
| Explanation: The date specified in the CHKDATE instruction is invalid. The value of day
must be in the range
| 01–
is the last day of the month specified in the input date.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the date, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL6AE Status invalid: it can be: C, E, D, P, S, U or W
| Explanation: An invalid occurrence status was specified in the CHKAPPL instruction.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL6BE Occurrence name can't be '*'
| Explanation: An invalid occurrence ID was specified.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the APPL keyword, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL6CE Alert parameter can be YES or NO
| Explanation: An invalid ALERT keyword was specified.
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
| EQQCL6DE User id must be specified for alerting
| Explanation: The USER keyword is required with ALERT(YES).
| System action: OCL terminates.
| User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
Chapter 5. EQQCLnnn Messages 57