Meaning (reason for failure) Related
604 Resource quantity is not in the range 1-999999. EQQX438
605 The on-error value is not valid. EQQX429
700 Duplicate operations exist in the application description record. EQQX365
701 A predecessor does not exist. EQQX366
702 There is a loop in the application network. EQQX367
703 All operations in the application do not belong to the same network. EQQX368
704 A job setup, processor, or print operation lacks a job name. EQQX369
705 A job setup operation has no processor operation as successor. EQQX370
706 A print operation has no predecessors. EQQX371
707 A print operation has more than one predecessor. EQQX372
708 A print operation does not have a processor operation as predecessor. EQQX373
709 A print operation has a predecessor with a different job name. EQQX374
710 A job setup operation has no processor successor with the same job name. EQQX416
800 The calendar record exceeds the maximum record size for the calendar description
record, or has a shorter than minimum size.
801 The calendar description record identifier was invalid. EQQX321
802 The calendar description record version was invalid. EQQX301
803 The calendar description ID is invalid. EQQX401
804 The date for the last update is invalid or missing in the calendar description record. EQQX316
805 The time for the last update is invalid or missing in the calendar description record. EQQX317
806 The time for Work Day End Time is invalid or missing in the calendar description
807 The number of weekday/date days has an invalid value in calendar description record. EQQX403
808 The common section of the calendar description record contains invalid characters. EQQX404
809 The size of the calendar description is too short to hold the number of weekday/date
days indicated in the common section of the record.
810 The weekday in the calendar description record is invalid. EQQX406
811 The weekday days are not in ascending order in the calendar description record. EQQX407
812 The status of the weekday/date field is not Work or Free. EQQX408
813 The date in the calendar description record is invalid. EQQX409
814 The date days are not in ascending order in the calendar description record. EQQX410
815 The variable section of the calendar description record contains invalid characters. EQQX411
835 The date and time specified in a request to modify an interval of a current plan
workstation is not the start of an interval.
836 An invalid value was specified for the parallel server capacity. Valid values are 0
through 99.
837 An invalid value was specified for the capacity of a workstation resource. Valid values
are 0 through 99.
850 The application ID was not specified. EQQX390
851 The application ID is not bracketed by shift-in or shift-out characters. EQQX382
484 TME 10 OPC Messages and Codes