Setting the Overflow: The Overflow setting enables you to specify the maximum number of Call
Log entries that you want logged on an ongoing basis. This number is the overflow threshold. You can
also specify a file, the overflow file, to store any entries that exceed the maximum number.
Do the following to specify the overflow threshold and the overflow file:
1. Click on the Overflow tab from the Log Settings window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Overflow folder (Figure 45 shows the Overflow folder with
a sample filename).
Figure 45. Log Settings Overflow Folder
2. Specify the maximum number of entries you want logged on an ongoing basis in the Overflow
Threshold box, as follows:
Double-click on the box to highlight it, and enter a number
Use the spin buttons to increase or decrease the current number.
Note: The maximum number of entries that can be set as the overflow threshold is 200.
3. Enter the filename in the Overflow File box of the file that will store overflow entries.
You can use any filename and extension as long as it conforms to DOS filename conventions.
4. Click on the Active box to specify that overflow entries are to be saved to the overflow file.
Note: If this box is not selected, overflow entries may be lost. CallCoordinator for Windows deletes
the oldest entries (once the overflow threshold is reached) and keeps the most recent on an ongoing
5. Close the window, using the Windows control menu, to save the overflow information.
80 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide