Displaying the CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window on Inbound Calls
The CallCoordinator for Windows main window normally is in the foreground of your screen. If it is
hidden by other windows when you get a call, the CallCoordinator for Windows main window automat-
ically comes to the foreground. (This enables you to answer the call without having to find the
CallCoordinator for Windows main window.) If you find this distracting, you can disable this feature.
Do the following to prevent the CallCoordinator for Windows main window from coming to the foreground
(on inbound calls) when you are working in another window:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears (shown in Figure 4 on page 16).
2. Click on Display Window When Call is Received, or press W.
When you select this option, the pull-down menu disappears (the checkmark next to Display Window
When Call is Received is no longer there the next time you open this pull-down menu). The
CallCoordinator for Windows main window will not come to the foreground when inbound calls come in
and you are working in another application.
This setting remains in effect until you change it, using the instructions just described.
Note: CallCoordinator for Windows is shipped with the main window coming to the foreground on
inbound calls as the default.
20 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide