Figure 3. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window
To help you get started, the rest of this chapter describes how to perform some basic Windows oper-
ations in CallCoordinator for Windows. Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” provides the
instructions for using all of the telephone features in CallCoordinator for Windows. Chapter 4, “Using the
Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory,” provides the instructions for using the Call Log and Per-
sonal Directory features.
Note: If you want CallCoordinator for Windows to start each time you start Windows, do the following:
1. Click on Window on the Program Manager menu bar.
2. Double-click on StartUp.
The StartUp window appears.
3. Highlight the CallCoordinator for Windows icon, and drag it into the StartUp window by
holding down the left mouse button.
8 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide