Figure 30. CCWin Conference Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu
3. Click on either System Directory or Personal Directory in the Directory pull-down menu.
CallCoordinator for Windows indicates which is the currently selected directory just below the CCWin
Conference window menu bar. It remains in effect until you change to the other directory, using the
steps just described.
If you have more than one system directory available to you, do the following from the Directory pull-
down menu:
1. Click on Select System Directory.
The Open window appears.
2. Select the system directory you want from the File Name list box.
3. Click on OK.
Default Conference Number: CallCoordinator for Windows keeps the last extension you
entered in the Target Agent box. If you always conference with the same person (or department), that
extension becomes, in effect, the default conference number. You do not have to enter the number
again when you set up three-way conference calls.
Default Host Session: You can set one host session as your default. It should be the session
that you use when you transfer data during three-way conference calls. Do the following to set the
default host session:
1. Click on the Conference pushbutton to open the CCWin Conference window.
2. Click on Defaults.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Host Session on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Host Session box appears.
4. Select the session by scrolling through the list and clicking on the session you want.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 57