The CCWin Dial Pad window appears.
2. Click on Actions on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The Actions pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 19.
3. Click on Keep Dial Pad Open.
Figure 19. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu
The CCWin Dial Pad window continues to be displayed after each call you make. To disable the Keep
Dial Pad Open feature, click on it again on the Actions pull-down menu. (A checkmark indicates whether
this feature is on.)
Selecting a Directory
To simplify making calls, you can use either of the following electronic directories from your CCWin Dial
Pad window: the system directory or your Personal Directory.
The system directory is set up by your system administrator and has a company-wide application. It
typically contains the names and numbers of all parties and entities that your company does busi-
ness with—for example, customers, suppliers, service providers, and so on. For information about
the system directory, see your system administrator.
Your Personal Directory is a directory that you can set up for your own calling needs. You can
include in it, for example, the names and numbers you call most frequently—personal numbers, such
as for schools and doctors; and job-related numbers, such as for other agents, certain customers,
technicians that service equipment in your area, and so on.
Note: You must first create your Personal Directory in order to have it available to use from the
CCWin Dial Pad window. For instructions on creating it, see “How to Create Your Personal
Directory” on page 87.
When you select a directory, the directory appears to the right of the dial pad, and remains there as your
working directory.
Do the following to select the directory you want to use when making calls:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton to open the CCWin Dial Pad window.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 37