Displaying System Messages
CallCoordinator for Windows generates messages and stores them in a special file if there are any prob-
lems with its operation. Ordinarily, CallCoordinator for Windows does not display these messages unless
you elect to have them displayed.
Do the following to display system messages:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Settings Pull-Down Menu
2. Click on Display System Messages, or press M.
When you select this option, the pull-down menu disappears (a checkmark appears next to Display
System Messages the next time you open this pull-down menu). The bottom of the CallCoordinator for
Windows main window expands to include a boxed area for displaying any messages.
This setting remains in effect until you change it, using the instructions just described.
16 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide