Getting Help Information
You can get Help information about CallCoordinator for Windows through its Help feature or from your
system administrator.
Getting Help from CallCoordinator for Windows
Do the following to access the Help feature:
1. Click on Help on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar or press Alt+H.
The Help pull-down menu appears with the following Help selections:
On Window Provides a description of the window that is currently opened
Contents Provides a list of the Help topics
Search Provides a means of searching for a specific topic
Help On Help Provides information about using the Help system
About Provides copyright information
2. Click on the Help topic you want or use the ↑ or ↓ cursor key to highlight the topic, and press Enter.
Do the following to exit a Help topic:
1. Click on File on the menu bar or press Alt+F.
The File pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Exit or press X.
See your Windows documentation for more information on using Help.
Getting Help from Your System Administrator
If you have a problem with any of the CallCoordinator for Windows functions or a question about your
setup, see your system administrator.
Chapter 2. Getting Started 23