0031-156 0031-171
| 0031-156 Unexpected return code
from ll_get_data (
| Explanation: An internal error has occurred.
| User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
| reporting hardware and software problems.
0031-157 Couldn't flush VT traces
Explanation: The program continues.
User Response: At termination, the Partition Manager was unable to successfully terminate
trace processing for VT. Check any messages issued by VT.
0031-158 select
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.
User Response: The select call to the sockets connecting the Partition Manager with the
remote nodes failed. Presumably connection has been lost. The explanatory sentence may
give an indication of the source of failure.
0031-160 I/O error on socket connection with task
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager continues. A read on
the socket used to connect the Home Node with the indicated remote task failed. Probably
the remote node has closed the connection. The task is marked as exited and processing
User Response: Examine the communication subsystem for failure.
0031-161 EOF on socket connection with task
Explanation: Processing continues. The socket used to connect the Home Node with the
indicated remote task has closed. Probably the remote node has closed the connection.
User Response: Examine the communication subsystem for failure.
0031-164 process_io: read(io command)
Explanation: Processing continues. The command sent to the Partition Manager is ignored.
User Response: Probable system error. An incomplete or invalid I/O command was
received by the Partition Manager.
0031-169 pm_remote_shutdown
Explanation: Processing continues. An explanatory sentence is appended.
User Response: A quit message being sent to all remote nodes could not be written to one
of the sockets.
0031-171 unknown io command
Explanation: Processing continues. The data is ignored.
User Response: An unsupported or invalid I/O command code was received by the
Partition Manager from a remote node.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 65