0032-172 0032-177
0032-172 Invalid color (
) in
, task
Explanation: A negative value was used for color.
User Response: Make sure that color is greater than or equal to zero, or is
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG
0032-173 Invalid node degree (
) in
, task
Explanation: A negative value was used for an element of the index array.
User Response: Make sure that the index array contains only non-negative entries.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG
0032-174 Too many messages in
, task
Explanation: Too many outgoing and incoming messages have been posted without being
User Response: Make sure that MPI_WAIT, MPI_TEST, or one of the other MPI wait or
test functions is being called to complete pending sends and receives. In addition, make sure
that for each message sent, there is a corresponding receive issued by some task.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER
| 0032-175 No receive posted for ready mode send in
, task
| Explanation: A ready mode send was posted for which there was no corresponding
| receive. This error is flagged only at the destination. It cannot be detected at the sender.
| User Response: When ready mode send (MPI_RSEND, MPI_IRSEND) is used, make sure
| that the corresponding receive has already been posted on the destination task. This error
| always uses MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL as its error handler. Any user defined error
| handler is ignored.
| Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER
0032-176 One or more tasks became unreachable via
, task
Explanation: Some node or switch adapter that is part of the MPI job has been reset or
shutdown. There may be hardware problems.
User Response: Restart job. Consider checking with local system support first to learn
whether they are aware of the underlying problem and are dealing with it.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER
0032-177 A nonblocking collective communication failed to complete,
, task
Explanation: A nonblocking collective communication operation has failed to complete at
the time MPI_Finalize is called. This is most likely the result of an infinite loop in a reduction
User Response: This message should not be seen in a program which has correctly
waited on every nonblocking request. Make sure every request is completed before calling
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER
124 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages