0029-2037 0029-2044
0029-2037 Cannot add task:
, because it is already in group
Explanation: The task specified on the group add command is already included in the
group specified.
User Response: Retry the command specifying only task(s) that are not already included
within the specified group.
0029-2038 No action has been taken because a task number is out of range.
Explanation: The task specified on the group or on command is not an acceptable value.
User Response: Retry the range specification using only task numbers between 0 and one
less than the value of -procs or MP_PROCS (since the first task is number 0).
task was added to group
Explanation: A task was added to the specified group.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
tasks were added to group
Explanation: The list of tasks was added to the specified group.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2041 The correct syntax is: 'group change old_name new_name'.
Explanation: The group change command was improperly formed.
User Response: Re-issue the command specifying the existing group name and the new
group name.
0029-2042 No action was taken because the group name
was not found.
Explanation: The group name you specified to be renamed on the group change
command could not be found by pdbx.
User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.
Make sure that the group you wish to rename already exists.
0029-2043 No action was taken because the group name
is already used.
Explanation: The new name, for the group to be renamed, on the group change
command already exists. The existing group will not be renamed to avoid confusion or
User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.
Make sure that the group name you wish to change the existing group to does not already
0029-2044 No action was taken because the new group name is longer than the
maximum group name length of
Explanation: The new group name specified on the group change command is too long to
be handled.
User Response: Choose a string under 32 characters for the new group name and retry
the command.
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 9