0031-143 0031-149
0031-143 Could not read message from debug socket.
Explanation: The call to read() failed when attempting to read a message from the debug
User Response: None.
0031-144 error creating directory for core files, reason: <
Explanation: A corefile directory could not be created for the given reason.
User Response: Fix reason and rerun job.
0031-145 error changing to
corefile directory, reason <
Explanation: The core file could not be dumped to the named directory for the given
User Response: Fix reason and rerun job
0031-146 MP_CMDFILE is ignored when MP_STDINMODE is set to none
Explanation: If you set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the -stdinmode
option to "none", the MP_CMDFILE environment variable or the -cmdfile option is ignored.
User Response: To eliminate this WARNING message, you should remove the
MP_CMDFILE setting or specify MP_STDINMODE, which is not case sensitive, to another
value other than "none".
0031-147 MP_HOLD_STDIN is ignored when MP_STDINMODE is set to none
Explanation: If you set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the -stdinmode
option to "none", MP_HOLD_STDIN=yes is ignored.
User Response: To eliminate this WARNING message, you should set MP_HOLD_STDIN
to "no".
0031-148 Using redirected STDIN for program name resolution
Explanation: You redirected stdin without specifying a program name or command file
name, and you did not set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the -stdinmode
option to "none". Because program behavior is undefined in this case, a warning is issued.
User Response: You should set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the
-stdinmode option to "none". For more details, see “Managing Standard Input” in
Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1
| 0031-149 Unable to load shared objects required for LoadLeveler.
| Explanation: You submitted a POE job via LoadLeveler and a shared object or library
| required for LoadLeveler does not exist. This error usually indicates files created at install
| time have been deleted, moved, or had their permissions changed.
| One of the following files cannot be accessed:
| /usr/lpp/LoadL/full/lib/llapi_shr.o
| /usr/lpp/LoadL/full/lib/libllapi.a
| User Response: Contact your system administrator to determine if the files described
| above are accessible, and correct if possible. Otherwise, gather information about the
| problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 63