
0030-3014 0030-3020
0030-3014 Task
: ReplyExpression(): Internal error returned from unknown
Explanation: Received an error code from a routine that ReplyExpression() called but there
was no additional information to pass on.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0030-3015 Task:
encountered signal:
Explanation: The application encountered a signal of the type specified.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0030-3016 Task:
has stopped due to a halt execution request.
Explanation: This task has been interrupted via a halt execution request. The current
program counter is likely at a location where the code has not been compiled with -g, thus
portions of the display may be empty. The halt execution function is implemented with signal
SIGINT. If the program has a SIGINT signal handler control will return to the SIGINT signal
handler when execution is resumed.
User Response: Selecting entries on the stack may be useful to view local variables in the
scopes of the call chain. Execution of this task can be continued via the VCR buttons.
0030-3017 Task
: No current file name was found, so no local variables are
available. The executable may not have been compiled with -g.
Explanation: While attempting to display local variables for the current or selected function,
the owning source file could not be found. Not enough information is available to build a
local variable list. pedb continues processing.
User Response: If this area of the code is of interest, you should recompile the containing
object with the -g compiler option, then re-invoke pedb.
0030-3018 Task
: No current function name was found, so no local variables
are available. The executable may have been stripped.
Explanation: While attempting to display local variables for the current function no function
name could be found at the current program counter. Not enough information is available to
build a local variable list. pedb continues processing.
User Response: If this area of the code is of interest, you should recompile the containing
object with the -g compiler option.
0030-3019 Unable to issue the execution request to task:
, because it is not in
Explanation: A request to execute the application has been issued. This task is not in
DEBUGGED state so the request will not be honored. pedb continues processing. If the task
referenced was part of a group and other tasks in the group did not cause this message,
those other tasks will have been processed normally.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0030-3020 process_dbe_task_response(): Internal error: Don't recognize reply code:
, for task:
Explanation: An unrecognized message was received from the remote debugger.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 45