
0030-2276 0030-2284
0030-2276 A non-integer value has been entered for the stride.
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the stride value.
User Response: Enter an integer value.
0030-2277 Zero has been entered for the stride. Enter a non-zero integer value.
Explanation: The stride value must be an non-zero integer.
User Response: Enter an integer value that is non zero.
0030-2278 HDF Failure: Unable to close writing to Scientific Data Set
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to close writing of array slices to the HDF
file. You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.
0030-2279 Export request list had no tasks
Explanation: This is an internal error. The list for exporting array information should contain
at least one task.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0030-2280 A non-integer value has been entered for the minimum range text field.
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the minimum array
User Response: Enter an integer value.
0030-2281 A non-integer value has been entered for the maximum range text field.
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the maximum array
User Response: Enter an integer value.
0030-2282 The integer value entered for the minimum text field is outside the
allowable range of integers.
Explanation: The integer value entered is larger or smaller than the allowable range, which
is defined by the largest and smallest integer value.
User Response: Enter an integer within the range of the largest and smallest integer value.
0030-2283 The integer value entered for the maximum text field is outside the
allowable range of integers.
Explanation: The integer value entered is larger or smaller than the allowable range, which
is defined by the largest and smallest integer value.
User Response: Enter an integer within the range of the largest and smallest integer value.
0030-2284 The integer value entered for the stride text field is outside the allowable
range of integers.
Explanation: The integer value entered is larger or smaller than the allowable range, which
is defined by the largest and smallest integer value.
User Response: Enter an integer within the range of the largest and smallest integer value.
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 41