
0031-723 0031-730
0031-723 userid = <
Explanation: userid is set to the given userid.
User Response: No response needed.
0031-724 Executing program: <
Explanation: The child is executing the given program.
User Response: No response needed.
0031-725 Failed to exec program
; errno =
Explanation: The child failed to execute the given program.
User Response: Probable system error. POE's /usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libc.a may not be up to
date. Have the system administrator run the following script to rebuild POE's libc.a:
/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/bin/makelibc. Verify that the euilibpath includes the following path:
0031-726 pmd: error sending node attach data record to home node.
Explanation: The remote node PMD was not able to send the node attach data via IP
communications to home node. The remote node will now exit.
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
0031-727 pmd parent: error writing to child's debug engine pipe
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to write to debug engine pipe, which is used
to communicate with the node debug server.
User Response: Probable system error.
0031-728 Cannot set
limit to
, hard limit is
| Explanation: If the user's soft limit is greater than the inetd hard limit, the soft limit will only
get changed to the hard limit value.
User Response: If this causes a problem, ask the system administrator to increase the
| hard limit values for inetd .
0031-729 ident_match failed; user identification failed.
Explanation: The user is not authorized to communicate via the TCP/IP socket between
the POE home node and partition manager daemon.
User Response: Ensure the user is properly authorized to use POE, and ensure
ident_match routine is properly installed and available.
0031-730 POE DFS credentials file is empty; DFS credentials cannot be established.
Explanation: POE was unable to locate the DFS credentials, because the
/tmp/poedce_master file was empty. As a result, DFS authentication cannot be established.
User Response: Contact the system administrator to ensure the DFS credentials files were
successfully copied using the poeauth command.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 99