Configure the LID Mask Control (LMC)
The Subnet Manager (SM) allows an administrator to define the LMC (Local Identifier Mask Control)
value per subnet. Once the LMC value has been assigned, the SM routes different paths for each LID
(an address assigned to a port) that is associated with the same host port.
1. Launch Element Manager, if you have not already done so.
2. Locate the Source LID and Destination LID.
a. Select InfiniBand > SM.
The Subnet Manager table appears. The default LMC is 0.
3. Click the Subnet Manager tab.
4. Use the scroll bar, if necessary, to locate the LID Mask Control field.
5. Click into the LID Mask Control field and enter the new LMC integer.
6. Click Apply.
View InfiniBand Paths
The following command can be used to help you visualize the path between two end points. The
endpoints are specified by Local Identifiers (LIDs):
1. Launch Element Manager, if you have not already done so.
2. Locate the Source LID and Destination LID.
a. Select InfiniBand > SM.
The Subnet Manager table appears.
b. Click on the SwitchElementRoute tab.
3. Return to the Element Manager main menu and select InfiniBand > Subnet Manager.
The Subnet Management window appears.
4. Click open the subnet manager from the left navigation tree.
5. Click on Routes from the left navigation tree.