When an image file is installed, the image file is expanded into a “system image.” The system image is
what the user will refer to in order to specify what the system should use to boot-up each card in the
What is an Image File?
Image files are stored in flash memory as a single complete file with a “
” extension. Each image
file contains all the operating software (application software and firmware/microcode) needed by the
various cards that can be installed into the Topspin system.
The Topspin system cannot use an image file directly to boot-up to system. The image file must first be
installed. The installation process automatically unbundles the image file and distributes the software
components to each card in the system. Users do not have to be aware of individual software
components. The user simply executes one CLI command to install an image file. Refer to the
command in the HP 24-Port 4x Fabric Copper Switch Command Line Interface Reference Guide.
The TopspinOS stores up to three images on a disk: the uninstalled image, the current system (or
“installed”) image, and the recovery image.
The system only has enough flash memory to store:
• one system image file (active)
• one image file (inactive/uninstalled)
• one recovery image
Occasionally, you will have to manually delete an image file from the InfiniBand system to make room
for a new version. Refer to “Deleting Image Files” on page 103.
Inactive Image
An inactive image is one that has been downloaded, but has not been installed; therefore it is not the
active, or “system” image.
The TopspinOS can only store one inactive image. Delete inactive images through the CLI (refer to
“Deleting Image Files” on page 103), or by clicking the delete button in the Element Manager.
Active Image
The term “Active Image” refers to the current System Image. An installed, or “active” image has gone
through the entire upgrade process. The System-Image usually has a slash (
) in its name. Do not
modify or delete the installed system-image.
Recovery Image
The Recovery Image is a default image that comes installed on the Topspin system. The Recovery
Image can be used to quickly restore operation to the system if an image upgrade should fail.
About Copying/Downloading the Image
Upgrading the TopspinOS requires several steps, which are described in the following sections. One of
the steps will be to copy the image before installing it.
There are several options when copying the image into the system:
Note: Images cannot be installed through the GUI. Once the image has been copied via the chosen
method, refer to “Activate an Image” on page 100.
Table 9-1: Copying/Downloading Image Options
Through the CLI Through the GUI
FTP Remote FTP Server
TFTP Local File