
3. Click the Database Sync tab.
4. Click into the Max Backup SMs field to enter the maximum number of backup subnet managers
with which the master subnet manager will synchronize. A backup subnet manager is automatically
added whenever a new InfiniBand (IB) switch is connected to the IB fabric.
The default is 1.
5. Click into the Session Timeout field to specify the interval, in seconds, during which a
synchronization session status MAD packet must arrive at the master SM to maintain
The default is 10 seconds, and the possible entries are 1...30 seconds.
6. Click into the Poll Interval field to change the interval at which the master SM polls an active
slave SM to verify synchronization.
The default is 3 seconds and the possible entries are 1...30.
7. Click into the Cold Sync Timeout field to allot a maximum amount of time in which to perform a
cold sync. During the cold sync, the master SM copies all out-of-sync tables to the standby.
The default is 10 seconds and the possible entries are 1...30.
8. Click into the Cold Sync Limit field to specify the maximum number of cold syncs that may take
place during the cold sync period (see Cold Sync Limit Period).
The default is 2 and the possible entries are 1...10.
9. Click into the Cold Sync Limit Period field to specify the length of the interval (in seconds)
during which cold syncs may occur. Interval length, in seconds.
The default is 900 seconds and the possible entries are 1...86400 seconds.
10. Click into the New Session Delay field to specify the delay (in seconds) before attempting to
initiate a synchronization session with a new SM.
The default is 120 seconds and the possible entries are 1...86400 seconds.
11. Click into the Resync Interval field to set the interval (in seconds) at which the master will send a
re synchronization request to all active synchronization sessions.
The default is 3600 seconds and the possible entries are 1...86400 seconds.