
View the GUID of an HCA
To easily associate a Host Channel Adapter with the Global Unique Identifier (GUID), use the Topology
1. Open the Topology view, if you have not already done so. Refer to “View the Topology” on
page 122.
2. View the GUID information that is displayed with the HCA icons.
Determine Which HCA Port is Connected to an
IB Port
To easily determine which Host Channel Adapter (HCA) port is attached to a specific InfiniBand (IB)
port, use the Topology view.
Viewing the ports in this way prevents you from having to view the physical hardware to determine
which ports are connected.
1. Open the Topology view, if you have not already done so. Refer to “View the Topology” on
page 122.
2. View the HCA port and follow the connection to the IB switch.
The port number of the HCA is labelled on the link close to the HCA icon.