
8. LLDP port channel interface can’t be changed to legacy lag when proxy gateway is enabled.
9.“vlt-peer-mac transmit” is recommended only for square VLT without any diagonal links.
10. VRRP and IPv6 routing is not supported now.
11. With the existing hardware capabilities, only 512 my_station_tcam entries can be supported.
12. PVLAN not supported
13. After VM Motion, it’s expected that VM Host will send GARP in term, host previous VLT Domain will
have mac movement points to newer VLT Domain
14. After station move, it is expected that if host send TTL1 packet destined to its gateway i.e previous Vlt
Node, the packet may get dropped.
15. After station move, it’s expected that if host first PING its gateway (i.e previous VLT node) it would
results in 40 to 60% success rate considering it take long path
Configuring a VLT Proxy Gateway
The VLT proxy gateway feature can be configured in a VLT domain context using the cli command
proxy-gateway LLDP. You enter the proxy-gateway Configuration mode when you enter this
command. The port-channel interface of the square VLT link on which LLDP packets are to be sent is
specified by peer-domain-link port-channel command.
On a proxy gateway interface configuration corresponding to LLDP, LLDP sets TLV flags on the interfaces
for receiving and transmitting private TLV packets. After defining these organizational TLV settings, LLDP
encodes the proxy gateway TLVs based on the organizational TLVs for transmitting to the peer. If you
specify the no proxy gateway LLDP interface command, LLDP stops transmitting and receiving
proxy gateway TLV packets on the specified interfaces. However, other TLVs are not affected. Because of
the timing defined in the LLDP configuration and the operational state, LLDP periodically sends or
receives packets. However, the local DA updates may not be able to reach the destination on time. From
the interfaces on which proxy gateway LLDP is enabled, LLDP decodes TLV packets from the remote
LLDP by using the new organizational TLV.
The following requirements must be satisfied for LLDP proxy gateway to function correctly:
As LLDP is direct link protocol, Data Centers must be directly connected.
LLDP has a limited TLV size. As a result, information that is carried by this new TLV is limited to only
one or two MACs.
Proper configuration and physical setup must be ensured on all related systems.
LLDP organizational TLV for proxy gateway
A new organizational TLV is defined for this purpose:
LLDP will define an organizationally specific TLV (type 127) with organizationally unique identifier
(0x0001E8) and organizationally defined subtype (0x01) for sending or receiving this information.
LLDP will use existing infrastructure but just adding this new TLV, and send and receive only on
configured ports
VLT Proxy Gateway