threshold crossings do not cause alarms, but are used to trigger increases in the speed of the system fans
as needed to keep the component temperature within the desired range.
Dell#show environment thermal-sensors
-- Thermal Sensor Readings (deg C) --
Module S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
System Core 33 33 34 33 28 39 25 36 39 39 -
Switching Core 100[M] 46 47 45 44 45 - - - - -
Port Modules 49 101[M] 60 49 62 52 78 55 53 50
Threshold crossed [m]: minor [M]: major, [S]: shutdown
When a temperature threshold is crossed (either below or above the pre-configured value), the system
logs an event that contains information about the time when the event occurred, the type of event
(minor, major, or shutdown), the current temperature of the sensor, and the identity of the sensor. The
system also logs events when the fan speeds change (increase or decrease) as a result of changes in
sensor temperature. To display the event log, use the show logging command.
The following examples display over-temperature event messages. Note that although the minimum
speed for system fans is 40% of full speed, the corresponding power-supply fan speed is 60% of full
00:21:47: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-FAN_SPEED_CHANGE: Fan speed changed to 40 % of
the full speed
00:21:47: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-PSU_FAN_SPEED_CHANGE: PSU_Fan speed changed to 60
% of the full speed
Temperature sensors are also logged on the console and event messages are displayed when an
individual temperature sensor crosses a threshold.
Because sensors are reported individually, not all temperature events cause a fan speed change. For
example, if sensor S1 crosses from minor to major threshold and is the first sensor to cross a major
threshold, the fan speed will increase. Afterwards, if sensor S2 crosses from minor to major threshold, the
system does not modify the fan speeds because sensor S1 already triggered the group state change;
however, an event is logged:
00:27:35: %SYSTEM:LP %POLLMGR-2-SENSOR_TEMP_CHANGE: Switching Core Sensor S2,
temperature 52C, changed to Major state
When the system experiences a high temperature on any temperature sensor that exceeds the Critical
threshold, a shutdown log event is generated; for example:
00:15:07: %Z9500LC12:2 %POLLMGR-2-SENSOR_TEMP_CHANGE: System Core S8,
temperature 106C, changed to Shutdown state
00:15:35: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-TEMP_SHUTDOWN_WARN: WARNING! Unit 0 temperature
is 105C; approaching shutdown threshold of 105C)
The identity of the sensor which caused the shutdown can be determined by displaying the system log
for temperature-crossing events (show environment thermal-sensors command).
Debugging and Diagnostics