Troubleshoot a flap or fault condition on a HiGig backplane link by displaying the internal ports that
are mapped to backplane links for control or data traffic and the status of backplane links. In the show
hardware bp-link-state command output, 1 indicates that a backplane link is up; 0 indicates the
a link is down. You can also display the traffic utilization of member interfaces in a HiGig port channel
that transmits control or data traffic from the Control Processor or a line card over the Z9500
unit defines the Network Processing unit (NPU) of a HiGig port channel. hg-port-
channel defines the HiGig port-channel number.
In the Z9500 CLI, NPUs are sometimes referred to as units.
Besides the front-end I/O ports on line cards, the Z9500 uses six internal SFM units to transmit the
data between line-card ports.
Environmental Monitoring
Switch components use environmental monitoring hardware to detect transmit power readings, receive
power readings, and temperature updates.
Use the commands described in this section to:
• Monitor the status of hardware components: power supplies, fan trays, and transceivers.
• Recognize and troubleshoot over-temperature conditions.
Display Power Supply Status
To monitor the operational status of a power supply, use the show environment pem command.
Use the command output to verify the operation of installed power supplies. The current operational
status (up or down), power supply type, fan status and speed, and power usage are displayed. A Z9500
power supply is sometimes referred to as a power entry module (PEM).
Dell#show environment pem
-- Power Supplies --
Unit Bay Status Type FanStatus FanSpeed(rpm) Power Usage (W)
0 0 down AC up 1376 0.0
0 1 up AC up 18848 666.0
0 2 down AC up 1312 0.0
0 3 up AC up 18880 643.0
When an under-voltage condition occurs on a power supply (for example, a power cable is removed):
• A Syslog message is displayed to inform you that the power supply is down. The power supply
number (for example, power supply 0) indicates the chassis bay in which it is installed; chassis bays
are numbered 0 to 4, starting from the leftmost bay 0.
unit 0 refers to the switch itself.
Dell#00:20:34: %SYSTEM:CP %CHMGR-0-PS_DOWN: Major alarm: Power supply 0 in
unit 0 is down
Dell#00:20:53: %SYSTEM:CP %CHMGR-0-PS_DOWN: Major alarm: Power supply 2 in
unit 0 is down
• Use the show alarms command to display power-supply alarm messages.
Dell#show alarms
Debugging and Diagnostics