Configure PVST+ on VLT Peers to Prevent Forwarding Loops (VLT Peer 2)
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf)#protocol spanning-tree pvst
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-pvst)#no disable
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-pvst)#vlan 1000 bridge-priority 4096
Configure both ends of the VLT interconnect trunk with identical PVST+ configurations. When you
enable VLT, the show spanning-tree pvst brief command output displays VLT information.
Dell#show spanning-tree pvst vlan 1000 brief
VLAN 1000
Executing IEEE compatible Spanning Tree Protocol
Root ID Priority 0, Address 90b1.1cf4.9b79
Root Bridge hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
Bridge ID Priority 0, Address 90b1.1cf4.9b79
We are the root of Vlan 1000
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
Name PortID Prio Cost Sts Cost Bridge ID
---------- -------- ---- ------ ----------- ------- --------------------
Po 1 128.2 128 188 FWD(vltI) 0 0 90b1.1cf4.9b79
Po 2 128.3 128 2000 FWD(vlt) 0 0 90b1.1cf4.9b79
Te 1/10 128.230 128 2000 FWD 0 0 90b1.1cf4.9b79
Te 1/13 128.233 128 2000 FWD 0 0 90b1.1cf4.9b79
Name Role PortID Prio Cost Sts Cost Link-type Edge
---------- ------ -------- ---- ------- ----------- ------- --------- ----
Po 1 Desg 128.2 128 188 FWD 0
(vltI)P2P No
Po 2 Desg 128.3 128 2000 FWD 0
(vlt) P2P No
Te 1/10 Desg 128.230 128 2000 FWD 0 P2P Yes
Te 1/13 Desg 128.233 128 2000 FWD 0 P2P No
eVLT Configuration Example
The following example demonstrates the steps to configure enhanced VLT (eVLT) in a network.
In this example, you are configuring two domains. Domain 1 consists of Peer 1 and Peer 2; Domain 2
consists of Peer 3 and Peer 4, as shown in the following example.
In Domain 1, configure Peer 1 fist, then configure Peer 2. When that is complete, perform the same steps
for the peer nodes in Domain 2. The interface used in this example is TenGigabitEthernet.
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)