Configure the VLT domain with the same ID in VLT peer 1 and VLT peer 2.
Dell-2(conf)#vlt domain 5
Dell-4(conf)#vlt domain 5
Configure the VLTi between VLT peer 1 and VLT peer 2.
1. You can configure the LACP/static LAG between the peer units (not shown).
2. Configure the peer-link port-channel in the VLT domains of each peer unit.
Dell-2(conf)#interface port-channel 1
Dell-2(conf-if-po-1)#channel-member TenGigabitEthernet 0/4-7
Dell-4(conf)#interface port-channel 1
Dell-4(conf-if-po-1)#channel-member TenGigabitEthernet 0/4-7
Configure the backup link between the VLT peer units.
1. Configure the peer 2 management ip/ interface ip for which connectivity is present in VLT peer 1.
2. Configure the peer 1 management ip/ interface ip for which connectivity is present in VLT peer 2.
Dell-2#show running-config vlt
vlt domain 5
peer-link port-channel 1
back-up destination
Dell-2# show interfaces managementethernet 0/0
Internet address is
Dell-4#show running-config vlt
vlt domain 5
peer-link port-channel 1
back-up destination
Dell-4#show running-config interface managementethernet 0/0
ip address
no shutdown
Configure the VLT links between VLT peer 1 and VLT peer 2 to the Top of Rack unit. In the following
example, port Te 0/40 in VLT peer 1 is connected to Te 0/48 of TOR and port Te 0/18 in VLT peer 2 is
connected to Te 0/50 of TOR.
1. Configure the static LAG/LACP between the ports connected from VLT peer 1 and VLT peer 2 to the
Top of Rack unit.
2. Configure the VLT peer link port channel id in VLT peer 1 and VLT peer 2.
3. In the Top of Rack unit, configure LACP in the physical ports (shown for VLT peer 1 only. Repeat
steps for VLT peer 2. The bold vlt-peer-lag port-channel 2 indicates that port-channel 2 is
the port-channel id configured in VLT peer 2).
Dell-2#show running-config interface tengigabitethernet 0/40
interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/40
no ip address
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)