prefix-list List IPv6 prefix lists
route IPv6 routing information
rpf RPF table
Displaying an IPv6 Configuration
To view the IPv6 configuration for a specific interface, use the following command.
• Display the currently running configuration for a specified interface.
EXEC mode
show ipv6 interface type {slot/port}
Enter the keyword interface then the type of interface and slot/port information:
– For all brief summary of IPv6 status and configuration, enter the keyword brief.
– For all IPv6 configured interfaces, enter the keyword configured.
– For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then the slot/port
– For a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword fortyGigE then the slot/port information.
– For a loopback interface, enter the keyword loopback then the loopback number.
– For a port-channel interface, enter the keywords port-channel then the port-channel number.
– For a VLAN interface, enter the keyword vlan then the VLAN ID.
Example of the show ipv6 interface Command
Dell#show ipv6 int man 1/0
ManagementEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is up
IPV6 is enabled
Stateless address autoconfiguration is enabled
Link Local address: fe80::201:e8ff:fe8b:386e
Global Unicast address(es):
Actual address is 400::201:e8ff:fe8b:386e, subnet is 400::/64
Actual address is 412::201:e8ff:fe8b:386e, subnet is 412::/64
Virtual-IP IPv6 address is not set
Received Prefix(es):
400::/64 onlink autoconfig
Valid lifetime: 2592000, Preferred lifetime: 604800
Advertised by: fe80::201:e8ff:fe8b:3166
412::/64 onlink autoconfig
Valid lifetime: 2592000, Preferred lifetime: 604800
Advertised by: fe80::201:e8ff:fe8b:3166
Global Anycast address(es):
Joined Group address(es):
ND MTU is 0
ICMP redirects are not sent
DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 3
ND reachable time is 32000 milliseconds
ND base reachable time is 30000 milliseconds
ND retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
ND hop limit is 64
Displaying IPv6 Routes
To view the global IPv6 routing information, use the following command.
IPv6 Routing