Examples of Running Offline Diagnostics
Example of Taking a Switch Offline
Dell# offline system
Warning - offline of system will bring down all the protocols and
the system will be operationally down, except for running Diagnostics.
The "reload" command is required for normal operation after the offline command
is issued.
Proceed with Offline [confirm yes/no]:yes
00:10:29: %SYSTEM:CP %CHMGR-2-UNIT_DOWN: linecard 0 down - linecard offline
FTOS-BMP#00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to
down: Fo 0/4
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Fo 0/0-44,
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %CHMGR-2-UNIT_DOWN: linecard 1 down - linecard offline
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Fo 1/0
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Fo 1/0-44,
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %CHMGR-2-UNIT_DOWN: linecard 2 down - linecard offline
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Fo 2/0
00:10:30: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Fo 2/0-44,
00:10:31: %SYSTEM:CP %CHMGR-2-UNIT_DOWN: CP unit down - CP unit offline
Example of Verifying the Offline/Online Status of a Switch
Dell# show system brief
System MAC : 74:86:7a:ff:70:74
Reload-Type : normal-reload [Next boot : normal-reload]
-- Linecard Info --
LinecardId Type Status ReqTyp CurTyp Version Ports
0 Linecard offline Z9500LC36 Z9500LC36 9.2(1.0B2) 144
1 Linecard offline Z9500LC48 Z9500LC48 9.2(1.0B2) 192
2 Linecard offline Z9500LC48 Z9500LC48 9.2(1.0B2) 192
-- Power Supplies --
Unit Bay Status Type FanStatus FanSpeed(rpm) Power Usage (W)
0 0 up AC up 19264 290.0
0 1 up AC up 19104 288.5
0 2 up AC up 19072 288.5
0 3 up AC up 19328 324.0
Total power: 1191.0 W
-- Fan Status --
Unit Bay TrayStatus Fan0 Speed Fan1 Speed
0 0 up up 6581 up 6614
0 1 up up 6542 up 6603
0 2 up up 6548 up 6704
0 3 up up 6642 up 6619
0 4 up up 6581 up 6642
Speed in RPM
Example of Running Offline Diagnostics on a Standalone Switch
Dell# diag system unit
Warning - diagnostic execution will cause multiple link flaps on the peer side
- advisable to shut directly connected ports
Proceed with Diags [confirm yes/no]: yes
FTOS-BMP#00:11:05: %Z9500LC12:1 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_STARTED: Starting diags on
linecard 1
Debugging and Diagnostics