Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
LAF Alarm Information 3-29
Moving Core Files 3-29
4 Operating the BTS 4-1
Introduction 4-1
Managing Subscribers 4-2
Viewing Calls 4-6
Using Status and Control Commands 4-7
Using Show and Change Commmands 4-9
Using ERAC Commands 4-9
Managing Transactions 4-12
Scheduling Commands 4-13
Limitations 4-13
5 Managing External Resources 5-1
Introduction 5-1
Viewing BTS System-Wide Status 5-1
Managing Trunk Groups and Trunks 5-3
Managing Subscriber Terminations 5-12
Managing Gateways 5-16
Managing Other External Resources 5-18
Learning External Resource Dependencies 5-20
GigE Support 5-28
Prerequisites 5-28
Provisioning the GigE Interface 5-28
6 Using BTS Measurements 6-1
Introduction 6-1
Using Measurements 6-1
Learning the Measurement Types 6-2
ISDN Measurements 6-2
Call Processing Measurements 6-5
MGCP Adapter Measurements 6-12
DQoS Measurements 6-13
SIP Measurements 6-13
Service Interaction Manager Measurements 6-16
POTS Local FS Measurements 6-16