Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Appendix B FIM/XML
Installing the FIM/XML File Using the Offline FIM/XML Tool
Installing the FIM/XML File Using the Offline FIM/XML Tool
Each Cisco BTS 10200 release includes an original FIM/XML file that is installed during system setup
and upgrades. The offline FIM/XML tool allows the service provider to define a new external feature or
modify existing interactions involving the ISC features. In order to enable the service provider to add
external features, a separate XML configuration file is provided. This new FIM/XML file is called an
External FIM/XML file. After the operator generates the external FIM/XML file according to the schema
provided, the FIM/XML tool generates the FIM/XML file. Use this file as input, along with the schema,
to produce the new FIM/XML file with the offline tool. The offline tool is the XML file that is separate
from the Cisco BTS 10200.
Note The system must meet the tool conditions and requirements for the FIM/XML tool as described in “Tool
Requirements” section on page B-2.
The following procedure describes how to generate the configurable FIM/XML file using the offline
FIM/XML tool.
Step 1 Obtain the fiexmxml.zip file from the location specified and then unzip the FIM/XML file on all BTS
Step 2 Run the fimxml.zip file.
The external FIM/XML template is external.xml and the external FIM/XML schema is obtained as
hrn29priems:/opt/OptiCall/tools >unzip fimxml.zip
Archive: fimxml.zip
inflating: config.xml
inflating: external.xml
inflating: externalfimxml.xsd
inflating: fimxmlconfig.xsd
inflating: FIMXML.xsd
inflating: fimxml.jar
Step 3 Use any XML editor to create an external FIM/XML file based on the rules from the
externalfimxmlfile.xsd schema file provided by the Cisco BTS 10200 during installation. The service
provider cannot modify the schema data.
Step 4 Use the XML editor to edit a sample file provided with the FIM/XML tool. This file becomes the offline
FIM/XML configuration file used in Step 6.
Step 5 You can edit the FIM/XML file so that the emergency features such as 9-1-1, Hostage Negotiation, and
Emergency Callback (ECB) cannot be inhibited by the operator after the configurable FIM/XML file is
downloaded to the Cisco BTS 10200:
<fcp-features> <feature name=E911 inhibition-allowed=false/>
You can also configure the schema path for the configurable FIM/XML file:
<config-param param=FIMXMLSCHEMA_PATH value=FIMXML.xsd/>
If you do not specify a schema path, the Cisco BTS 10200 uses the following default path: