Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
POTS Screen List Editing FS Measurements
POTS Customer Originated Trace FS Measurements
Table 6-12 POTS Screen List Editing Measurements
(* = rapid count could mean a potential problem in the system)
POTS_SCA_ATTMP Selective Call Acceptance service instance attempts on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCA_REJECT_NO_RSRC Selective Call Acceptance attempts made by subscribers rejected due to a lack of
available resources on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCA_SUCC Selective Call Acceptance service instance attempts resulting in successful acceptance
of the call on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCF_ATTMP Selective Call Forwarding service instance attempts on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCF_REJECT_NO_RSRC Selective Call Forwarding attempts rejected due to a lack of available resources on the
reporting FS.
POTS_SCF_SUCC Selective Call Forwarding attempts successful on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCR_ATTMP Selective Call Rejection service instance attempts on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCR_REJECT_NO_RSRC Selective Call Rejection attempts made by subscribers rejected due to a lack of available
resources on the reporting FS.
POTS_SCR_SUCC Selective Call Rejection service instance attempts resulting in successful rejections of
the call on the reporting FS.
Table 6-13 POTS Customer Originated Trace Measurements
(* = rapid count could mean a potential problem in the system)
POTS_COT_ABAND Caller Originated Trace service activation abandonments that occurred on
the reporting FS.
POTS_COT_ACCESS Times the Caller Originated Trace star code was dialed by the subscriber
(feature accesses and activations)
POTS_COT_ACT Same as POTS_COT_ACCESS in this release. When 2-level COT (the
digit “1” dialed) is available - this is both those and the current 1-level
activations tracked in POTS_COT_ACCESS.
POTS_COT_DENY Times the Caller Originated Trace data was unsuccessfully accessed on
the reporting FS.
POTS_COT_DN_UNAVAIL Caller Originated Trace service activation that failed due to the calling
party directory number not be available on the reporting FS.
POTS_COT_TRACE_CONFIRM Caller Originated Trace service instances successfully completed on the
reporting FS.
POTS_COT_TRACE_OUTPUT Caller Originated Trace service instances successfully completed and the
data was stored persistently on the reporting FS.