
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Appendix B FIM/XML
Defining Features
The list of error elements is matched one by one to see if the error response received during the external
feature invocation falls within its specified range. When a match is found, the error handling operation
specified within the respective error element is executed.
This element specifies the action taken when the response condition matches the error element. The
parameters of an element can be a list of name or value pairs specified by parameter elements.
The FIM/XML tool processes the defined element in the External FIM/XML file as indicated in the
following sections.
<error range-start="503" range-end="599" type="SIP">
<operation name="continue-from-dp"/>
<error range-start="403" range-end="403" type="SIP">
<operation name="disconnect">
<param name="cause" value="1325"/>
Table 5 Error Attributes
Attribute Name Required Description
range-start Optional The start range of the error responses of the element
that is matched.
range-end Optional The end range of the error responses of the element that
is matched.
Table 6 Operation Attributes
Attribute Name Required Description
Name Yes Name of the operation performed.
Param-value Optional List of the parameter-value pairs used when BTS
performs the operation.
Feature Optional Feature name used when performing the operation.