Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Preface ix
Introduction iii-ix
1 Starting and Shutting Down the BTS 1-1
Introduction 1-1
Meeting Power Requirements 1-1
Starting BTS Hardware 1-1
Shutting Down BTS Hardware 1-2
Starting BTS Software 1-2
2 Managing BTS Users and Commands Using EMS 2-1
Introduction 2-1
Logging into the EMS Using CLI 2-1
Managing Users 2-2
Managing Commands 2-5
Adapter and User Security 2-6
Solaris OS Security and BTShard Package 2-7
Operator Interface 2-10
Vulnerabilities in H.323 Message Processing 2-11
Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Support 2-11
Pluggable Authentication Module Support 2-12
User Security Account Management 2-12
Sun Microsystems Configurations 2-12
Solaris OS Patches 2-14
Trace Normal Forms (TNF) Support 2-14
XML Libraries 2-15
Device GLM Patch 2-15
Security CE Patch 2-15
Security Bad_Trap Patch 2-15
Java SDK Patches 2-15