Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
Single Number Reach Counters
Table 6-52 lists Single Number Reach counters. These counters are kept on a BTS 10200 system-wide
basis rather than for each subscriber.
Use the report measurement-pots-local-summary command to generate a report of the counters.
Because Single Number Reach (follow-me) uses CFU and VM service logic, the invocation of follow-me
shows in CFU and VM counters.
DI_SUBSCRIBER_NOTIFICATION_ANS Diameter Subscriber-Notification-Answer
DI_PROFILE_NOTIFICATION_REQ Diameter Profile-Notification-Request
DI_PROFILE_NOTIFICATION_ANS Diameter Profile-Notification-Answer
DI_SH_ERROR_MSG Diameter Sh Interface error message
Table 6-51 Diameter Message Measurement Counters
(*=rapid count could mean a potential problem in the system)
Table 6-52 Single Number Reach Feature Counters
Counter Label Counter Context
POTS_SNR_FIND_ME_ATTMP Number of find me attempts (in FS Table).
POTS_SNR_FIND_ME_ANSWERED Number of find me calls answered (in FS Table).
POTS_SNR_FIND_ME_FAIL Number of find me calls failed due to the system failure (in FS
POTS_SNR_FIND_ME_FORK_INVOKE Number of forked calls invoked (in FS Table).
POTS_SNR_IVR_REDIRCT_VM Number of find me calls redirected to voice mail (in FS Table).
POTS_SNR_ IVR_ACCESS Number of times Single Number Reach IVR system accessed.
POTS_SNR_IVR_INVALID_UID_ATTMP Number of IVR invalid User ID attempts (in FS Table).
POTS_SNR_IVR_INVALID_PIN_ATTMP Number of IVR invalid PIN attempts (in FS Table).