Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Appendix B FIM/XML
Provisioning iFC
Provisioning iFC
To enable the operator to provision iFC (s) through the XML file, the service provider must generate and
install the new XML file (Shared iFC file).
The XML file allows the operator to provision iFC (s) by allowing
• External feature definition
• Vertical Service Code (VSC) to feature mapping by defining a star-code if necessary for invoking
an external Application Server-driven feature
• SIP trigger profile specifies which application server needs to be contacted and how to populate the
• Sip Trigger Profiles (Subscriber Specific)
The XML file enables the operator to define the mapping of one sip_trigger_profile to multiple
subscribers. The following commands list the CLI commands corresponding to entries in the Shared iFC
• Defining a New feature as the Originating Feature.
• Defining a VSC
Defining a New feature as the Originating Feature
This command defines the new feature as the originating feature.
add/change feature fname=ABC; tdp1=collected_information; tid1=ohd_trigger; ttype1=R;
tdp2=o_exception; tid2=reroute_trigger; ttype2=R; tdp3=collected_information;
tid3=vertical_service; ttype3=R; feature_server_id=FSPTC235;
Defining a VSC
This command defines a VSC which when dialed invokes the external feature.
add/change vsc digit-string=*72;fname=ABC;
Defining the SIP Trigger Profile
This command defines the SIP Trigger Profile used with the external feature.
add sip-trigger-profile id=vdial+noivr;
Feature Configuration
This command defines the feature configuration.
add feature-config fname=ABC; type=DEFAULT-SIP-TRIGGER-PROFILE; value=AS_1;