Network Status
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 98
CDP Neighbor
Use the CDP Neighbors page to view status information about neighboring
devices that were discovered by the Cisco Discovery Protocol (if enabled). This
information may be useful for troubleshooting.
The information on this page is automatically refreshed at 15-second intervals. If
CDP is disabled, a message appears at the top of the page and the list is empty. To
enable CDP, see CDP Discovery, page 432.
Designated Cost The path cost to the designated bridge of the LAN
Field Description
Field Description
Device ID The host name of the neighboring device.
Local Port The outgoing port that the security appliance is using
for this connection.
Duration The time interval (in seconds) that the security
appliance will keep CDP information from a
neighboring device.
Function The neighbor’s device type: R - Router, T - Trans
Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge, S - Switch, H - Host,
I-IGMP, or r-repeater.
Platform The model number of the neighboring device.
Interface ID The interface that the neighboring device is using for
the connection.
IP Address The IP address of the neighboring device.
Duplex The duplex mode of the connection.
Voice VLAN The Voice VLAN ID of the neighboring device.