Configuring Content Filtering to Control Internet Access
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 283
STEP 2 Enter the following information:
• Enable Content Filter URL: Click On to enable the website access rule, or
click Off to create only the website access rule.
• URL: Enter the domain name or URL keyword of a website that you want to
permit or block.
• Match Type: Specify how to match this rule:
- Web Site: If you choose this option, permit or block the HTTP access of
a website that fully matches the domain that you entered in the URL field.
For example, if you enter yahoo.com in the URL field, then it can match the
website http://yahoo.com/*, but cannot match the website
- URL Keyword: If you choose this option, permit or block the HTTP
access of a website that contains the keyword that you entered in the
URL field.
For example, if you enter yahoo in the URL field, then it can match the
websites such as www.yahoo.com, tw.yahoo.com, www.yahoo.com.uk,
and www.yahoo.co.jp.
• Action: Choose Permit to permit access, or choose Block to block access.
STEP 3 Click OK to save your settings.
Mapping Content Filtering Policy Profiles to Zones
Use the Policy to Zone Mapping page to apply the content filtering policy profile to
each zone. The content filtering policy profile assigned to each zone determines
whether to block or forward the HTTP requests from the hosts in the zone. The
blocked requests will be logged.
STEP 1 Click Firewall > Content Filtering > Policy to Zone Mapping.
The Policy to Zone Mapping window opens.
STEP 2 Click On to enable the Content Filtering feature, or click Off to disable it.
STEP 3 Specify the policy profile for each zone. By default, the Default_Profile that permits
all websites is selected for all predefined and new zones.