Security Services
Configuring Anti-Virus
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 305
SMTP Email
None: No action is required when viruses are detected.
Notify: Send the original email and an alert email to the
email receiver when viruses are detected in email
Notify + Destruct File: Delete the infected files and
send the original email and an alert email to the email
receiver when viruses are detected in email
NOTE: If you choose Notify or Notify + Destruct File, go
to the Email Notification page to configure the email
notification settings. See Configuring Email
Notification, page 307.
POP3 Email
None: No action is required when viruses are detected.
Notify: Send the original email and an alert email to the
email receiver when viruses are detected in email
Notify + Destruct File: Delete the infected files and
send the original email and an alert email to the email
receiver when viruses are detected in email
NOTE: If you choose Notify or Notify + Destruct File, go
to the Email Notification page to configure the email
notification settings. See Configuring Email
Notification, page 307.
IMAP Email
None: No action is required when viruses are detected.
Destruct File: Delete the infected files when viruses
are detected in email attachments.
None: No action is required when viruses are detected.
Drop Connection: Drop the connection when viruses
are detected.
Protocol Action