Device Management
Managing Security License
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 440
Checking Security License Status
You can view information for the security license, including the expiration date, the
device credentials used to renew the license, and the email alert settings for
license expiration events.
STEP 1 Click Device Management > License Management.
The License Management window opens. The following information is displayed.
• Feature: The name of the security license.
• Status: Shows if the security license is installed or not installed. The security
license cannot be transferred or revoked once it is installed.
• Expiration: The date on which the security license expires.
STEP 2 Click Credentials to display the product ID and series number of the device and
the device credentials. The device credentials may be requested by Cisco sales
or support to complete or troubleshoot licensing.
STEP 3 Click Email Alerts to set up or view the email alert settings for license expiration
The Email Alerts window opens. The following information is displayed.
• Email Alert: Click On to enable email alerts for license expiration, or click Off
to disable this feature.
• From Email Address: The email address to use as the sender of the alert
• Send to Email Address: The email address where the alerts will be sent.
• SMTP Server: The IP address or Internet name of the SMTP server.
• SMTP Authentication: Click On to enable SMTP authentication, or click Off
to disable this feature.
• Alert when it is: Enter a number to specify the time frame when the alert will
be sent. For example, enter 14 to send the email two weeks before the
license expires.
STEP 4 We recommend that you enable the License Expiration Alert feature so that the
system can send an alert to remind you to renew the security license before it
expires. Click the link on the page or go to the Device Management >
Administration > Email Alert page to enable the License Expiration Alert feature