Using External Web-Hosted CGI Scripts
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 194
<td align=\"right\">Password:</td>[2.4]
<td><input STYLE=\"font-family: Arial\" type=\"password\" name=
\"Password\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"128\"></td>
<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" height=\"23\"><input type=
\"submit\" name=\"button\" value=\"Login\"[2.5] onClick=
if ($result == 1) {
print "
<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">Logged in to MySMB</h1>";[8.1]
if ($reply) {
print "<center> $reply </BR></BR></center>";
print "
<a href=\"http://$uamip:$uamport/logoff\">Logout</a>[8.2]
if (($result == 4) || ($result == 12)) {
print "
<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">Logged in to MySMB</h1>[4.1]
<a href=\"http://$uamip:$uamport/logoff\">Logout</a>[4.2]
if ($result == 11) {
print "<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">Logging in to MySMB</h1>[3.1]";
print "
Please wait...... [3.2]