Network Status
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 93
STEP 1 In the Data Collection area, enter the following information:
• Enable Bandwidth Usage Report by IP Address: Check this box to enable
the bandwidth usage report sorted by the top 25 IP addresses that consume
the most bandwidth.
• Enable Bandwidth Usage Report by Internet Service: Check this box to
enable the bandwidth usage report sorted by the top 25 services and
applications that consume the most bandwidth.
• Enable Website Visits Report: Check this box to enable the website visits
report sorted by the top 25 URLs that have been most frequently visited.
STEP 2 Click Save to save your settings.
STEP 3 In the Statistics Report area, choose the desired report from the Type drop-down
list to view.
• Bandwidth Usage by IP Address: This report displays the IP address of the
top 25 users who consume the most bandwidth and the sum of bytes
received and transmitted per IP address.
• Bandwidth Usage by Internet Service: This report displays the following
information for the top 25 services and applications that consume the most
- Application: The name for an known service or application or the port
number for an unknown service or application. For example, if SMTP (6,
25) is displayed, SMTP is the service name, 6 is the protocol number, and
25 is the port number of the service.
- Sessions: The total number of sessions for the service or application.
- Total B andwidth ( T X/R X): The total number of bytes received and
transmitted by the service or application during the period.
- Average Bandwidth (TX/RX): The average number of bytes received
and transmitted per second.
This report is helpful to determine whether the services and applications
being used are appropriate for your organization. You can block the services
and applications that are consuming a large portion of available bandwidth.
For information on blocking the applications, see Configuring Application
Control, page 309.
• Website Visits: This report displays the URLs of the top 25 websites that
have been most frequently visited and the number of hits to each website.